Saturday, December 01, 2007

This video is a sort of reaction to a situation recently, where a top (apparently) UK magazine , upon being pitched by yours truly responded: "We have no budget for freelance writers as most of our material is produced in-house, however, if you would like to contribute smaller articles, most of our freelancers find they can use this to lever complimentary services from the establishments they choose to cover". Now if that isn't journalistic integrity and license, I don't know what is".....The following writer described a similar situation with eloquence...


Anonymous said...

You dog! That video is so perfect I'm pissed that I didn't post it on my blog first.

When are you going to get your own cooking show and pay me enormous sums of money to write the jokes and test the wine?

Oh and how's the winter poon in Paris?

Anonymous said...

Best. Interview. Ever.