Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Filet o' Fish global homogeny (or lack of)

I'm not a big fan of McDonald's but from time to time (drunk or starving, or both ) have been known to partake of their corporate cornucopia of processed products. One thing that fascinates me with global corporations like McD, is their painstaking recreation of all products globally , whether the meat, bread etc be locally sourced or not, the end product in China, Brazil and Russia is identical to Cowtown, USA. Yesterday I found myself in the middle of the Champagne region hungry and dropped by the local Golden Arches for a Filet o' Fish, and was given this:

No cheese, no tartar sauce, just fish and ketchup, surely some mistake!

No..... product served exactly as it should be (in France..)


I thought that they had been mistaken in giving me a sandwich with no cheese or tartar sauce, but upon seeing the packaging, the sandwich was intended to be exactly this way. I'm confused, because although I know they adapt to local markets, this is one of their "core products" that never changes. Waiting for their press office to explain, I'm really intrigued

**VERDICT** Just received a (very serious) e-mail from McDonald's press, who inform me that I was served a "McFish" , a variation of the Filet but without the tartar and cheese, exactly as described. It was a sandwich conceived for the Happy Meal, to replace the nuggets. So it appears I was served the wrong sandwich....


Chrisos said...

maybe it's cheese or sauce free because of it makes it "healthier", with less calories ;)

KathyMac said...

fish and ketchup?!

i would prefer the cheese and tartar sauce hands down!

Christophe said...

As you mentioned you were probably too drunk to see the packaging clearly stating "McFish" (cf : your own picture) and not "filet o' fish".

Adrian said...

I didn't have anything to drink! (for once!)

Champagne for any occasion said...

Fish o filet and champagne, perfect harmony

Wedding champagne gifts said...

Champagne next day UK